Verse of the day

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Outreach and Private Business Part 3

It is easy to say that our outreach as Christians is ineffective and needs to change, but how do we begin to approach that change in the real world? How do we recreate our outreach and "welfare" model in a way that truly lifts people out of their circumstances? More importantly, how do we do it in a way that attracts people to Christ? Because ultimately what will truly change people's lives is a right relationship with Christ, in the end, life circumstances do not matter, what matters is our relationship with God. I believe the real future of outreach lies not in the various governmental programs, not in Christian outreach institutions, not in churches or even radio ministries, although there is a place for all of them. I believe the future of Christian outreach lies in private industry. Specifically private industry owned or run by Christians. Private industry both modeling and funding outreach thru internally generated cash flow, perhaps even employing their own "missionaries" to go out in to the field on a local and global basis to set up indigenous programs that will in time lift people from their life of spiritual and physical poverty into a self sustaining life of physical and spiritual growth, growth that leads them to Jesus Christ. I believe the solution to these problems rests on the people of God taking personal responsibility for leading lives that are honoring to God. The people of God need to rise up and take on the responsibility of leading the world to Jesus Christ through their actions and their words. That means taking Christ seriously not just on Sunday, not just with your Christian friends, but bringing it right into the work place. It means encouraging businesses, in particular private businesses, run or owned by Christians to step up and run their business in a Christ honoring way. It means taking the notion of outreach and Christian service seriously. The economic engine of this country, even in this down turn, could truly change the world, if Christians would just start living their faith. There is a big movement among progressive "Christians" and "Christian" Universities towards "Social Justice", many have made this their primary focus. But "social justice" without a right relationship with Christ is useless and can often border more on socialism then true Christianity. Unfortunately this movement often villainizes and condemns the very economic engine and people who could truly lead us to a more effective way to help those in need. Instead of villainizing them we should be encouraging them to live lives that are honoring to Christ. Capitalism is not evil; in fact capitalism is much more closely aligned with Biblical truths then socialism. The Bible preaches personal responsibility and in fact suggests that the people of God should work for what they get, not expect the government or others to provide for them, and that we as individuals should be looking out for our neighbors.

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