Verse of the day

Friday, February 6, 2009

Modern Christianity

I have been reading through the book of Acts recently, mostly because it is the book we are reading as part of our prayer group at work. I chose the book of Acts because more than any other book in the New Testament it shows what life was like for the early Church Fathers and believers. Every time I read Acts I cannot help but reflect on how different life was for them, the persecution, the beatings, even death, all for the name of Jesus. The amazing thing is that it was not a surprise to them and it wasn't something they feared, in fact, they actually rejoiced in it. It makes me wonder whether our idea of Christianity is all wrong. We live a very soft, very comfortable Christian life, particularly here in the US, and we seem to seek churches with a message that this comfortable life is ok. That in fact this comfortable life is better than ok, that it is actually a sign of God's blessing on us. If this were true, what are we to make of the early Christians? Better yet what are we to make of Christians in China or Darfur, who are being persecuted and killed even as I write this? Is their persecution a sign of God's displeasure with them? I think not, I rather think our whole notion of what Christianity is and what God's blessing is, is distorted and just plain wrong. Much of the Gospel preached in this country is designed more to "tickle" our ears and increase donations and attendance then it is to teach real Christianity. God does not care about physical comfort and possessions in this life. That is not what His blessing is about. God cares about people who are willing to sacrifice their will, their desire, and their comfort, even their very lives for His sake and for His purposes. We American Christians need to wake up to that fact and start living lives that reflect true Christianity, only then will we begin to live lives of true blessing.

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