Verse of the day

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Sheeple of Obamanation

Is anyone as alarmed as I am by the absolute adoration President Obama is getting from both the press and a substantial part of the American population? "News" people and commentators are almost gushing in their praise of a man who has yet to do anything; a man whose very beliefs are opposed to all America is founded on. Celebrities by the score stood with tears in their eyes looking up in worshipful awe at a man who has little or no concept of what real sacrifice and the "American Dream" are about. Ordinary people by the millions, listened with rapt attention as this man and his followers ridiculed and condemned the very fabric of what makes us great, while promising them they would "level the playing field" by taking from those that have and giving it all to them. This is a man who promises "Change" and inclusion while promoting one of the most biased and divisive agendas in the history of our country. This is a man who promises "Openness and transparency" while bullying anyone who asks too tough a question and practically closing the White House to any real scrutiny. How can so many people have been duped? Are Americans really that dumb? Have we truly become a nation of sheeple? It just seems like Americans can no longer think for themselves, that Americans have become so accustom to the comforting arm of big brother government taking care of their problems that they are almost gleefully giving away their freedoms. And what of our military? Has anyone stopped to think about how dangerous a world we live in? Is this really the time to become a "friendlier more gentle" nation? There are people out there who would gladly cut our heads off and parade them in front of a cheering world. Is this really the time to worry that some of their "human rights" are being violated? As far as I am concerned they gave up their rights when the towers fell. Not to mention President Obama's stand on the unborn, he has barely had time to sit at the desk in his new office and he has already issued executive orders allowing the funding of abortions in foreign nations. My fear is that we have started down a road that will be very hard to return from, a road that will ultimately lead to the end of America as we have known it. I pray that I am wrong.


  1. I pray the President had time to look out the window or hear the hundreds of thousands of Americans of all Faiths in the March for Life on 22 January. Clearly he didn't read about it in the newspaper because they were too busy worrying about the clothing worn for the Inaugural Balls. Our nation is in a fiscal crises but the new President authorized funds for foreign abortions. All Americans need to pay very close attention to the next hundred days of the administration and send letters to our duly elected representatives when we feel the actions are contrary to the American way of Life as guaranteed by our Constitution.

  2. There is a book caledd ' Slobbering" over Obama written by quite fair and objective journalist ... Boy, how right he is.
    Wake up America, all Christians votimg for Obama ought to repent !!!!It's only Feb 5th and we all know who is nominated as US judges. They are the ones involved with PlayBboy, abortinos and onther very " beneficial" issues.
    Look at the stimulus package, not even at Clinton era, Democrats would have a nerve to throw in such detrimental financial aides like presented by Paelosi and her deplorable gang.
    More worldwide abortions for our ( tax payers) money, perversion in Arts etc.
    Pls. pls America wake up !!!
