Verse of the day

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christian Churches, Morality and Politics

Now that the election is behind us and our new president is in office, there is a nagging question that keeps bothering me; why is it that so many Christian Churches are afraid to stand up for what is right? Whether it is issues such as abortion, homosexuality, appropriate dress and behavior towards the opposite sex, or many other issues, in the context of an election, it seems like most supposed conservative Bible based churches have elected to stay mute. I would go even further and say that most Christian churches (my own included) have elected to stay mute on those subjects even outside an election. That they have bought into this whole idea of "political correctness". It is almost as if most churches are more concerned and afraid of what the world might think and than they are about what God might think. Even more, it almost seems they are more concerned with attendance and financial support then they are about standing up for what is right. At the same time, the more liberal "Christian" churches are becoming more and more outspoken about their liberal stance on those same issues, not just preaching their beliefs from the pulpit but even taking it to the media. Many "Black" Churches even go so far as inviting high profile politicians to preach from their pulpits DURING ELECTION TIME!!! And no one seems to think twice about it. For some reason it is only conservative Christians that this false adherence to "Separation of Church and State" seems to apply to. Then again, Christ warned us that we would be persecuted by the world so perhaps it should not be a surprise. However, what does surprise me though is how easily conservative Christian leaders fall into the trap, how easily we have done this to ourselves. If we aren't willing to stand up for the truth even amongst ourselves how will we ever stand up for it out in the world?

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