Verse of the day

Saturday, March 17, 2012

America on the slide part 1

It has been quite a while since I posted anything, but, for what it is worth, here are my thoughts - not that my voice will have any effect on what is happening in our country.
First let me say that I am not some conspiracy guy; however, when I look at what has happened to our country, I can fully understand why some people are. We are literally losing our country. America is at (or perhaps past) the tipping point and so few people seem to see it or understand the seriousness of it. If we continue down the road we are on now, the America that we have known - the America that our forefathers fought for - will be gone. This is not something that has suddenly come upon us, although it has accelerated at a breathtaking pace these last few years. It has been a very slow, very deliberate process and instead of standing up and saying no, we conservatives have continually compromised; we continually allow the left to not only define the game, but we also allow them to define who we are.
Why is it so hard for conservatives to communicate what we really believe? I am not talking about people like Rush or Hannity, who do speak up (although, unfortunately, all too often their message is lost because of their continual chest thumping), but about our supposedly conservative politicians. Why are they continually compromising? Continually giving up ground? We never get it back. Even if our compromise is only slight, it is movement in the wrong directions that we never get back. It all ends up part of a slow slide towards the destruction of our republic. The left is very deliberate and very patient. We thought we won the healthcare battle in the nineties, guess what? WE LOST THE WAR. It came back, and do you honestly think it will ever be fully repealed? By who, Obama? Romney? The house or senate? I don't think so. I am not saying they won't make adjustments, try to "make it better" but it is not going away - not without a true knock-down-drag-out fight, and I am not sure that republicans have the stomach for it. This is only the tip of the ice berg; republicans do this all the time - give, give, give.
More to come.

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